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  • Most healthcare marketing executives say the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their content marketing strategy but it has not changed their content marketing budget, according to recent research from True North Custom.

  • If you want your brand to succeed today (and into the future) you need to move beyond panic marketing and tactical calendars. You need an agile, strategic marketing plan. Learn how with this Master Class.

  • To develop a robust strategy, you first need to take a step back and understand the elements that make up your market. You'll learn how to do this, and what happens if you do it incorrectly.

  • In this lesson, you'll develop a deeper understanding of your customers by examining the customer journey, the decision-making process, and how your audience interacts with your content at different touchpoints.

  • In this lesson, you'll learn how to analyze your competitors and predict their responses to any decisions you might make.

  • Time to analyze your own company by assessing your basic competencies and weaknesses, core competencies, digital presence, customer lifetime value, churn rate, and conversion analysis.

  • It's time to bring together all that you've analyzed so far (and challenge any assumptions you made along the way) to determine the targets of your marketing strategy, how to position your brand, and how to make sure your strategy is agile enough to adjust to market shifts.

  • In this final lesson, you'll learn to use "convergent viewpoints" to predict how things will change over the next 10 years so you can stay ahead of the competition.

  • We all know spray and pray doesn't work. Discover who your customers are, how they perceive you, and how to segment them based on the features and benefits that they care about.

  • Marketers say revenue attribution enables better decision-making and helps to align teams, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • How are marketers keeping their events relevant and engaging in the mostly virtual world of the COVID pandemic? Three major trends are emerging—and here's how to take advantage of them successfully.

  • It's time to check your mailbox, not your inbox. The pandemic has upended traditional marketing—and, with it, the usual marketing channels. Here's how to find and use your prospects' home addresses to stick out from the competition with direct mail.

  • The ability to execute flawless marketing campaigns—and then measure their effectiveness—has never been more important. But, getting a handle on campaign management and measurement can be challenging, especially when teams are working remotely. It all starts with internal alignment. Sponsored by Workfront.

  • Successful demand generation relies on effective content and reliable data—but marketing content can stagnate, and data can be intimidating. Here's how to use both to build a demand gen foundation that can withstand even the most tumultuous times.

  • Attitudes and behaviors have shifted during the COVID pandemic. Now that marketers and the general population, including B2B buyers, are using social media more than ever, it's time to re-examine how working with influencers can help your company.

  • B2B buyers say they rely on product demos and vendor websites most when evaluating potential technology purchases, according to recent research from TrustRadius.

  • Everybody wants to be a thought leader. But there's more to it than just creating some fancy content. How can you establish yourself or your brand as an authority while also boosting your SEO efforts? It starts with an understanding of the data and tactics you need to leverage.

  • In a rapidly changing world, B2B marketers are taking on a new, consultative role—that of solutions architect. Here are six ways to embrace the change and step out ahead of trends to make yourself an even more valuable business partner.

  • Your B2B marketing plan for 2021 is going to look a whole lot different from your plan for 2020. But with change comes opportunity—and new ways to work, engage with customers, and drive results. Get ready to strategize for success now and in the year ahead. Sponsored by Accountable Digital.

  • Three MarketingProfs PRO members talk with our podcast hosts, and special guest co-host Chris Brogan, about how they've come back stronger after the pandemic hit in March, and lessons they've learned about reclaiming success from disruption.