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  • YouTube's global advertising revenue growth rate in 2023 is expected to be more than double the growth rate the platform achieved in 2022, according to recent forecasts from WARC.

  • "Influencer marketing is essentially word-of-mouth; it's essentially the establishment of trust and authority on behalf of your brand through somebody else, and every business can benefit from that," says this episode's guest. Discover how your marketing can benefit.

  • Considering using TikTok for your business, insists expert Wave Wyld, is inevitable. You can't avoid it. And because the business side of it is still in its infancy, opportunities are everywhere and new commerce-related features are continually being added. See what TikTok has to offer your business.

  • George B. Thomas and Austin Armstrong delve into YouTube shorts and their potential to revolutionize business growth, lead generation, and outreach strategies. Discover Austin's personal journey and the groundbreaking possibilities of his cutting-edge AI tool, poised to automate and optimize workflows.

  • The 3Cs of Marketing (company, customers, and competitors) is a popular concept. In Marketing Smarts Live Show episode 39, host George B. Thomas and Dorien Morin-van Dam delve into the 3Cs of organic social media strategy.

  • Are you trying to develop a content and social media strategy to foster thought leadership for your organization? If so, are you struggling with measurement or attribution? To answer that question, in the most recent episode of Marketing Smarts Live guest Ashley Faus and host George Thomas dig up some insights.

  • This infographic explores how to craft a successful InMail strategy so your business's messages stand out, resonate with recipients, and spark responses.

  • It's almost impossible to escape GIF memes on the Web. But can GIFs serve a different purposeā€”as marketing tools? Of course.

  • This infographic looks at the size of the Spotify audience and why marketers should consider using the service to achieve their business goals. It also delves into how to create branded playlists and how paid ads work on Spotify.

  • Which days and times tend to deliver the highest engagement on social media posts from businesses? To find out, Sprout Social analyzed data from more than 34,000 of its customers across various plan types, industries, and locations.

  • Earlier this year, Twitter began to wind down its free verification program. It now requires a paid subscription to receive a verified check mark. How do business owners feel about the change? To find out, B2Breviews surveyed 200 of them.

  • Facebook may not be as in the zeitgeist these days compared with platforms such as TikTok, but it's still a vital channel. This infographic recaps how stunning the scale of the social network is and why it matters for marketers.

  • A strong social presence is integral to your brand's growth. But knowing how to strategically leverage social to become a true authority in your market? That's another ball of digital wax altogether. Join expert Jon-Stephen Stansel to learn his proven tactics for social media success.

  • To help marketers and business owners succeed, Angie Gensler created this infographic outlining the basic rules to follow when developing social media content and a social media strategy.

  • Global ad revenue for TikTok is forecast to jump by 51.7% year-over-year in 2023 despite the wider ad market slowing, according to recent research from WARC.

  • Facebook is by far the social platform Americans say they use most often, but its popularity is waning and use varies widely among different age groups, according to recent research.

  • Join host George B. Thomas and social media professional Dorien Morin-van Dam for a discussion about the pillars of an organic social media strategy: content, community, and conversation.

  • This infographic looks at the core disciplines that must be considered when developing a comprehensive, revenue-focused social media plan.

  • It's been a rocky few months for Twitter. But does the loss of advertising mean your own company should jump to a new platform? Not if you use your account primarily for customer service, says this article.

  • This infographic looks at the signals prioritized by the algorithms of six of the most used platforms: Google, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Facebook.