Today's fastest-growing social media channels are visually based, according to the following WebDAM infographic. Here's the scoop for engaging your visuals-loving customers.

Consider your brand across all visual touchpoints, suggests WebDAM. Include logos, typography, press kit, photography, and icons.

Also, post images often. "Posts that include images product 650% higher engagement than regular text posts," WebDAM claims.

Don't forget to use video. A whopping 79% of Internet traffic will be video content by 2018. "Viewers are 86% more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video," according to WebDAM. "And posts with videos attract 3X more inbound links than plain text posts."

To find out more about visual Social media, tap or click on the infographic.

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What Brands Need to Know About Visual Social Media [Infographic]

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski