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  • All the hype surrounding the metaverse might seem like a good incentive for marketers to just jump on the bandwagon and try anything, follow trends, see what sticks. But that's not the way to go.

  • Which artificial intelligence tools are searched for the most online? Which tools get the highest ratings from users and have the most social media followers? To find out, researchers at Tipalti looked at data from March and April, 2023.

  • In today's fast-paced digital world, keeping up with media trends is essential for businesses to stay relevant and competitive. This article covers seven trends that are particularly relevant for CMOs.

  • Your data-driven marketing is only as good as your data. Clean rooms can be a useful resource, but only if the data shared in them follows certain standards.

  • Digital transformation can't be done all at once or off the cuff. Adopting automation and new martech must be a deliberate process that ensures business success while prioritizing the right tech.

  • Losing third-party data as a source of customer information will be a challenge. But it could be an excellent opportunity to recharge your customer relationships.

  • Discover how to fine-tune your marketing automation platform for pure performance and build the pipeline you need to accelerate your business. Find out how you can keep leads from falling through the cracks and how to move them more smoothly and quickly through your funnel. Sponsored by Act-On.

  • Companies today must embrace digitizing nearly every aspect of their business to ensure compelling, engaging, and valuable digital buyer journeys. That is, no doubt, a monumental task. But there is a path forward.

  • With the launch of ChatGPT, AI is the topic of the day... And no doubt, it's here to stay. But what does it mean for B2C marketers? Join us to learn how to harness AI in your omnichannel marketing campaigns and how AI will impact your organization—and marketing roles. Sponsored by Bloomreach.

  • This infographic looks at the dangers of dirty data, the different types of dirty data, and the steps you should take to clean your data.

  • How can you deal with multiple locations, multiple brands, distributed teams, disparate data sources, branding inconsistency, disjointed workflows—and, as a result, a lousy customer experience and miserable ROI? Discover exactly how. Sponsored by Acquia + Material.

  • Data privacy standards have complicated the process of obtaining reliable customer data. Are clean rooms here to save the day? Maybe, maybe not... but they can certainly help.

  • Want to give your customers more personalized experiences with your content—without having to create more content? Discover how to create a scalable content supply chain that will help you deliver impactful experiences that invariably convert. Sponsored by Adobe.

  • A lot of the talk about Web 3.0 has been focused on commodities, such as NFTs and game tokens. However, the technology does present opportunities for B2B marketers—in a surprising number of ways.

  • Changing customer behaviors and the loss of third-party cookies are just two of the (BIG) reasons the digital landscape has gotten so complicated for e-commerce marketers. Join us for this no-cost webinar to discover the digital strategies that will help you reach and convert more shoppers than ever. Sponsored by Adtaxi.

  • SESSION 4 of 4: Demand generation is famously "everything you do to get and keep a customer." That means your job is not done at the point of conversion! Ensure your newly converted customers are getting the best value out of their purchase with ongoing contact and nurture.

  • Most Americans say they are concerned about the impact artificial intelligence could have on jobs and society, though most also say they haven't yet used generative AI programs such as ChatGPT, according to recent research from Ipsos.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: Getting the contact info for a lead is just the beginning! To increase the odds that your new lead becomes a paying customer, you'll want an active nurture campaign. In Session 3, discover how to cascade your content into a steady drip of information that your customers love.

  • SESSION 2 of 4: Are you scoring your leads correctly—or at all? Lead scoring is a powerful tool. But if it's not done correctly, it can fill your pipeline with dud prospects. In this second session, you'll learn how to score your prospects properly to fill your pipeline with sales-qualified leads.

  • SESSION 1 of 4: Does your content convert as well as it should? Only if you're observing your prospects' behavior as they interact with it—and tweaking your intent plan in response. In this session, you'll boost your demand generation success using psychology know-how.